Message from the fist President of Discover India Club (DIC)

It gives me great pleasure to send this message of greetings on the occasion of the establishment of "Discover India Club" (DIC).
It is heartening to note that in recent years Japan-India relations have undergone a significant and qualitative shift. Even though ties between Japan and India are becoming stronger, there is, however, a vast scope for promoting interpersonal and cultural exchanges between the peoples of the two countries. Bearing this in mind, it was decided to establish the "Discover India Club".
The new "Discover India Club" was inaugurated on 13 July 2013 when it held its first General Meeting at the Kanagawa Ken-min Centre in Yokohama. The newly-formed DIC has many new and enthusiastic members who come from all walks of life and are very much interested in understanding the “real India”.
Our mission at DIC is to promote and strengthen friendship and cooperation between the peoples of Japan and India. We plan to collect information on the Indian way of life, business and society and disseminate such information among the general public through the website of DIC. We also plan to arrange seminars on such subjects and organize cultural and educational functions including music and dance from both countries. DIC also plans to organize tours to India on specialized themes and subjects, including those of special interest to Japanese university students. In carrying out these activities, DIC will collaborate closely with the Japan India Association, Indian Cultural Center at the Embassy of India, and other like-minded public and private institutions.
I feel grateful to the members of DIC for reposing their confidence in me and electing me as the President of DIC. Having lived in Japan for the last 37 years, I have enjoyed the friendship of many Japanese friends and have become an admirer of the Japanese culture. I appreciate the quietness, cleanliness and kindness of the Japanese people and the egalitarian society of Japan.
We invite all those who are interested in Japan-India relations to join the Discover India Club and help us promote friendship and cooperation between our two countries. I believe that strong Japan-India ties are good not only for the two countries but also for world peace and stability. We look forward to hearing from you.
The fist President, late Mr. Rabinder Malik
Born in 1934 in India, graduated from Punjab University in year 1956. Has worked for World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Has lived in Japan for 37 years, and was formerly the Executive Officer at United Nations University (UNU) in Tokyo. Also a former Chairman of Urayasu Foreign Residents Association and was teaching at Keio University.
passed away at the age of eighty-eight on October 14th, 2022