How to become a member of DIC

Membership is open for individuals and corporate who are interested in the activities of DIC.

Eligibility : Membership is open to all
Membership privileges : Information of events organized by DIC, priority in the event arranged by DIC, discount in the event fees, participation in the social gatherings for members.
Membership application :

Firstly please read our privacy policy. Then fill in membership form through e-mail, or download and fill in attached membership form (PDF) and send it to us, the following address.

Post to
Zip code:231-0063
Discover India Club
3-95-3-608, Naka-Ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
Entry fee & Annual membership fees :
Entry MonthApril-JulyAugust-NovemberDecember-March
Membership feeEntry feeAnnual feeEntry feeAnnual feeEntry feeAnnual fee
IndividualYen 1,000Yen 3,000Yen 1,000Yen 2,000Yen 1,000Yen 1,000
StudentYen 1,000Yen 1,000Yen 1,000Yen 1,000Yen 1,000Yen 500
Corporates(1 unit)Yen 10,000Yen 10,000Yen 10,000Yen 10,000Yen 10,000Yen 10,000

* Corporate members(Companies)are request to apply more than 2 units.

Account for depositing fees : Bank Name : Mitsubishi UFJ Bank
Branch NO : 635 (Totsuka Branch)
Account Type : Normal Savings
Account NO : 0159876
Name of Account holder : ディスカバーインディアクラブ (Discover India Club)

* Please keep the deposit slip safely.

Membership application form