Discover India Club (DIC) Rules and Regulations


Clause 1: This organization is called as "Discover India Club (abbreviated as DIC)"

Office Address

Clause 2: Official address of this organization will be 3-95-3, Hanasaki Cho, Yokohama City, Kanagawa.


Clause 3: The objective of this organization is to contribute to the development of India and Japan by promoting the exchange between India and Japan by collecting and providing the information about India to the people in Japan who require it through internet media. Promoting regional exchange and youth exchange. Supporting grass root level cooperation with India, and carrying out the cultural events and workshops to learn about India.


Clause 4: This organization will carry out following activities to fulfill the objective mentioned in clause 3.

  • Media activities to provide the latest information on life, trends, culture, and tourism in India.
  • Activities to promote cultural exchange through regional exchange, student exchange and through planning tours to India.
  • Event planning activities to plan and carry out various events like talks on Indian culture and arranging lectures which provide opportunities to learn about India in Japan.

Constituting members

Clause 5: This organization is made up of formal members, student members and cooperating members.

  • 2 - Membership fees of various types of members and their rights and responsibilities will be decided in the general assembly.

Institution and voting rights

Clause 6: General body and board of directors will be appointed who will carry out the voting of this organization.

  • 2 - The general body will be formed by formal members and will come in to effect when more than 1/2 of the members will be present and the proceedings will be decided by majority vote.
  • 3 - The general body meeting will be called by the president and will be held more than once a year. Following matters will be decided in the general body meeting.
    • (1) Planning the events and budgeting for the year
    • (2) Presenting the activity report for the last year and approval of accounts
    • (3) Selecting the executive members
    • (4) Items related to dissolving , consolidating this organization
    • (5) Mattes related to exclusion of members
    • (6) Other important matters related to functioning of the organization.
  • 4 - Executive committee will be called by the president and the voting will be taken for the matters which need to be referred in the general body meeting and regarding the day to day operational matters of the organization.
  • 5 - Executive committee will be come in to power when more than half of total members are present and the matters will be decided by majority vote.

Executive members

Clause 7: This organization will have executive members as below.

  • President (one person)President will be representative of the organization and will be overall controller of the organization.
  • Vice president(one or more)vice-presidents will assist the president in carrying out his duties.
  • General secretary(one person) General secretary will be overall in charge of carrying out organizational activities and management activities decided by executive committee.
  • Auditor(one or more)Auditor will audit the execution of duties of executive committee members.
  • 2 - Executive committee members will be selected in the general body meeting. They will held the post for 2 years and can be reappointed. Their rights and duties will be decided by the general body.
  • 3 - Executive committee will consist of president, vice presidents, General secretary, deputy secretary general and public relation officer.
  • 4 - Auditor can participate in executive committee meeting and general body meeting and can express his / her opinion. General body meeting can be called when executive members and executive committee is not in function.

Financial year

Clause 8: Financial year of this organization will be as 1st April of that year to the 31st March of next year.

Management of property and assets

Clause 9: Financial accounting and management methods of this organization will be decided by executive committee.

Revision of rules

Clause 10: Rules of the organization of will be decided in the general body meeting with the 2/3 majority of formal members.

Fine print

Clause 11: The items that are not prescribed in these rules and the items that are required for the implementation of these rules will be prescribed as fine print by the executive committee.

Miscellaneous provisions

Clause 12: These rules will be implemented from 13th July 2013.